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Our Vision and Mission

Supporting UWinnipeg

Your gifts to The University of Winnipeg through its Foundation make an incredible difference in the lives of our students and in the ability of faculty and staff to deliver the levels of excellence in education for which the University and its Collegiate are known.

We will assist you in finding an area for your donation that matches your wishes and interests. Following is information about where your gifts can help.

Our Fundraising Priorities

The University of Winnipeg Foundation continues to focus its development efforts on University priorities. These efforts are coordinated through the Foundation's Lead Giving, Individual Giving, Planned Giving, Collegiate Engagement and Donor Stewardship programs.

Capital Projects

The University of Winnipeg Library has reliably served the campus community for more than 40 years.

Affectionately known as the "library in the sky," it's been an important hub for students, faculty, and staff - despite being located in an ageing building, keeping up with an increasing student population, and adjusting to the arrival of the digital age, all of which have changed the course of pedagogy, research, and library practice.

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President and CEO's Message

On behalf of The University of Winnipeg Foundation team, we would like to thank you for stopping by our website. The Foundation is an arms-length, independent charity dedicated to managing endowment funds to support the University and the Collegiate.  The Foundation also manages a number of philanthropic initiatives to assist the University with its capital needs. From crowdfunding initiatives to large capital projects to communicating with our alumni across the globe, the Foundation is here to fuel the growth and sustainability of The University of Winnipeg.

We are a donor-centred organization, which means that this is YOUR foundation. We listen carefully to your ideas and expectations, and we work hard to make sure that the intentions and desires of our donors are recognized and implemented, working in coordination with our colleagues at the University. No gift is too small, no idea should be dismissed: everyone - students, staff, alumni or interested individuals and corporations - willing to support the University in any way are welcome to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Foundation also has a remarkable track record of prudent and successful investment decisions, with endowment funds generating an above-average rate of return. If you donate to our endowment fund to create a recurrent scholarship, bursary or award, or if you decide to leave a legacy gift, the monies received will continue to grow and serve its intended purposes in perpetuity.

Take a look around our site, and please don't be shy. If you want to chat with me or any other member of our team, send us an email and we will be in touch with you very soon.

In service,

Javier, and the entire Foundation team

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Why I Give: Naniece Ibrahim

Why did you decide to support UWinnipeg?

When I was in high-school I had great friends that went to UWinnipeg. I loved the atmosphere on campus when I visited and always made new friends. Although I did not attend UWinnipeg, my heart has always been here and I am grateful that I now work here.

From the first time I set foot on this campus I felt at home. UWinnipeg has a hip, vibrant academic vibe that has captured my attention with its diversity and camaraderie. It is where people know my name and pronounce it correctly. I support UWinnipeg because I think education in a lively, inclusive atmosphere that inspires dialogue and curiosity is a great investment.

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"For growing businesses like ours, we'd have missed out on chances down the road to work with the University and serve its customers. Having a university anywhere, especially downtown, helps breathe life into the surrounding neighborhood. Without it, we'd see a lack of business-related initiative in the area."


Local Business Owner

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3D rendering of merchants corner

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Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.

Classics Lecture Series

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Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.

Indigenous dance being performed in gym

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Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.

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