Student Awards
Indigenous Support at UWinnipeg
The horrific discovery of the remains of children at the former sites of Residential schools across the nation is a terrible reminder of the legacy of residential schools in Canada.
Families were torn apart as part of a systemic strategy to colonize Indigenous lands and “remove the Indian from the child.” All Canadians have inherited this legacy and must embrace their responsibility for reconciliation as the truth is uncovered.
The University of Winnipeg community stands with all Indigenous peoples as the depth of this tragedy is discovered and horrors, past and present, are brought to light. We are deeply committed to diversity, community inclusion and reconciliation.
Located downtown on Treaty One land, in the heart of the Métis homeland, UWinnipeg represents the diverse demographics of our province: 13 percent of incoming students identify as Indigenous and almost one-third of the student body identifies as from a racialized community. UWinnipeg has created numerous supports to remove barriers for non-traditional students such as an expanded campus daycare, contemporary affordable housing including family apartments, and targeted financial assistance and targeted scholarships and bursaries for what are considered at-risk communities with a major focus on removing barriers to education for members of the Indigenous communities. Below are some examples of our current available scholarships and bursaries which specifically support the Indigenous community although there are many more.
If you wish to support any of these funds you can donate here by searching the fund by keyword or email
The Opportunity Fund
The goal of the Opportunity Fund is to help ensure access to post-secondary education for everyone, regardless of background and socioeconomic status, and especially youth from inner-city neighbourhoods, Indigenous students, and young people from war-affected nations and refugee populations.
The Opportunity Fund provides a comprehensive approach that includes:
- Opportunity Fund Bursaries for critical needs such as emergency child care, food, shelter and access to funds for students who are under-represented at university
- Opportunity Fund Tuition Waivers for youth leaving the child welfare system, a program pioneered at UWinnipeg now being replicated across the country.
Aboriginal Student Services Centre Bursary
Established by the Aboriginal Student Services Centre at The University of Winnipeg, this bursary will be awarded to one or more current undergraduate students. Recipients must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 and demonstrate financial need.
Indigenous Students Scholarship
General account for gifts made for Indigenous student award
The North End Family Award for Indigenous Students
This scholarship is given annually to the Indigenous student with the highest admission average entering The University of Winnipeg from a high school in Winnipeg's North End. In addition to the award, the recipient will also receive a copy of Katherena Vermette's poetry collection North End Love Songs.
Dr. Tobasonakwuk Kinew Fund for the promotion of Culture, History and Language
This scholarship will be given to a First Nations student who demonstrates a combination of academic achievement, cultural activity and leadership. Preference will be given to a student who is recommended by the AVP Indigenous Affairs. This scholarship was established in memory of Tobasonakwut Kinew by his family, friends and colleagues. Dr. Kinew was a respected Anishinaabe leader and Elder, teacher and healer. A residential school survivor, Dr. Kinew was a longstanding advocate for the protection and implementation of treaty rights and increasing Indigenous participation and implementation of treaty rights and increasing Indigenous participation in higher education. This award continues Dr. Kinew's legacy by recognizing and encouraging students who follow in his footsteps in preserving and celebrating indigenous culture.
Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada Scholarships
This scholarship was established in 2010 in recognition of the important work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and to honour students who are descendants of survivors of residential schools or who themselves are residential school survivors. Two awards will be made annually, one each to a female and a male student. If there are no qualifying applications from a female or male candidate, then the scholarships can be awarded to two female or two male candidates.
Other UW funds which support the Indigenous Community:
Andris Taskans Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing
Collegiate "Women into Science" Bursary
The CN Model School Bursary
Grace Little Collegiate Bursary
The Swaity Shamattawa Bursary
The Swaity Opportunity Fund Bursary
Beck McIntosh Family Model School Bursary
The Jennifer Moore Rattray Award
John & Grace Little Opportunity Bursary
Carla Moore Award
The Honourable Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, PC, OC, OM and Ms Denise Ommanney Opportunity Fund
Chantal Kreviazuk Opportunity Fund Bursary
50th Anniversary Opportunity Fund Bursary
Pinnacle Staffing Opportunity Scholarship
The Taylor McCaffrey Opportunity Fund Bursary
Waapshki Pinaysee Inini White Thunderbird Man Bursary
Rev. Howard Gibson Bursary in Theology
Dr. Lawrence Whytehead Memorial Bursary
The BMO Financial-Model School Bursary
Grace Thomson Memorial Bursary
The Coca-Cola Inner-City Leadership Scholarship for Kinesiology & Applied Health
Indigenous Spiritual Care - HSC Bursary
Indigenous SCF - Henry Budd College
Margaret E. Nix & Slade C. Nix Entrance Scholarship
William James Millar Indigenous Scholarship
Yvonne Prefontaine Memorial Award in Politics
Philip Reece Memorial Bursary for Indigenous Students
Ross A. Johnston Indigenous Student Scholarship in Education
Ross A. Johnston Indigenous Student Award
Ethel May Lane Memorial Bursary
Jack Little Memorial Scholarship
Manitoba Association of School Superintendents Bursary
MTS Indigenous Student Bursary
Weweni Future Scholars Award
The Debra Blair Bursary
CPA of Manitoba Foundation Inc. Indigenous Business Scholarship and CPA of Manitoba Foundation Inc
Don Daniels Scholarship in Indigenous Spirituality
The Julia Romanow-Bear Scholarship
Audreen Hourie Indigenous Governance Graduate Fellowship
MDP Field Placement Bursaries
The Duff Roblin Graduate Fellowships
Indigenous Studies Prize
Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz Indigenous Student in Science Scholarship
EMILI Masters of Science Award
Kiwanis Indigenous Bursary
Cindy Petrowski and Phil Marsh Bursary
Ken and Peggy French Fund
The Saul and Claribel Simkin Bursary
Cree/Ojibwe Language Prize
Fred Smith Memorial Scholarship in Education
Mark & Dorothy Danzker Bursary
Suzanne St. Yves Amani (Peace) Prize
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Scholarship
The Four Directions Indigenous Student Scholarship
Eli and Betty Gallant Memorial Bursary
Winnifred Gamble Bursary
John K. Macdonald Memorial Fund Award in Education
Harry E. Gordon, QC, Memorial Bursary
George A. Grierson Memorial Scholarship
Harington Fellowship (Rupert's Land Centre)
Dieter Hoehne Memorial Scholarship
Larry Morrissette Memorial Award
Indigenous Children's Literacy Fund
The Model School Trust
The Bryan Hobson Fund
President's Indigenous Enhancement Fund
President's Discretionary Fund
Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre
Jennifer and Mary Roblin Wii Chiwaakanak Homework Club Fund
Grant Richter's Community Athletics Program
CN Indigenous Centre Program and Operating Fund
Sacred Seven - Healthy Relationship Program
Human Rights Speakers Bureau
The Miina Lamoureux Fund for Indigenous Expressions of Wellness, Safety and Education
RecPlex Access for All
Pathways to Education Fund
Pisim Finds Her Miskanow
Manitoba Metis Research
Merchants Corner Future Fund
Indigenizing University Spaces
Community Supporter Award
Rose Nolan Scholarship
The Santesso Prize
The McIntyre Prize
BMO Opportunity Fund Bursary
The Campus Indigenization Award
The Schroeder Foundation Scholarship
Director of Indigenous Inclusion Fund
Indigenous Summer Scholars Program (ISSP)
Indigenous History Essay Prize
Give the Lifelong Gift of Education
Establish your own scholarship or bursary at The University of Winnipeg. Learn how here.
Gifts will be graciously accepted through any of the following methods:
Donate Online
Visit to make a secure credit card payment at your convenience.
Email our finance team at
Phone in Your Gift
P 204.786.9995 | TF 1.866.394.6050
Mail-in Your Donation
The University of Winnipeg Foundation
901–491 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 2E4
Donors who make a donation will receive a charitable tax receipt and will be acknowledged in the Foundations’ annually published donor list. All donations to the Opportunity Fund are eligible for matching through the Province of Manitoba’s Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative (MSBI).