
The largest of our publications, each Annual Report is our chance to share stories of success with those who contribute to the UWinnipeg’s achievements and future.

Every edition contains a general financial update and stories focused on donors,  award recipients and an acknowledgment of our donors who gave to the UWF over the last fiscal year.

Our Impact and Insights newsletter connects our team with our donors, providing an update every three months that features new projects, exciting awards, and community interviews.

The UWF hires external auditors to review our annual financial statements and produce an independent report to share with the community.

The UWF is responsible for publishing a quarterly financial statement that details the market performance of the funds we invest through our Endowment for donors to see.

The Jarislowsky-Fraser Fossil Free Fund is a collection of funds held separately from the UWF's main endowment pool that is then invested in businesses that follow proper environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

The UWF is involved in supporting the Collegiate community through the publication of the Collegiate Alumni Association Magazine. The magazine includes a message from the Board, stories from alumni, important news, and messages on upcoming events.

Investment policies and external reports