Our Projects

Susan Thompson Pic

Celebrate Winnipeg's First Woman Mayor Susan Thompson Scholarship

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Dr. Thompson being elected Winnipeg's first woman Mayor, a volunteer fundraising committee is set to establish the Susan A. Thompson Scholarship for Women in Leadership.

Goal: $250,000
Raised: $277,151
Ms Lorette

Help Lorette's Legacy Continue Lorette Lajoie Collegiate Memorial Scholarship Fund

To honour Lorette’s impact on the Collegiate, the Collegiate has created the Lorette Lajoie Collegiate Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Goal: $60,000
Raised: $51,661
3D rendering of merchants corner

Support Cultural and Educational Programs Merchants Corner

Merchants Corner will become a host and a catalyst for a positive shift in Winnipeg’s North End. If you share our vision of building stronger and healthier communities, please consider supporting this important initiative.

Goal: $50,000
Raised: $26,547
Wii Chii Centre

Support The Indigenous Community Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre

Support The Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, a community partnership initiative that provides pathways to educational and capacity building opportunities.

Goal: $8,000
Jim Silver Award

Celebrate the Humanitarian Efforts of Dr. Silver Jim Silver Award

With the UIC students and faculty, Merchants Corner acts as a catalyst for positive growth in Winnipeg’s North End. Your contribution will help the students in Urban and Inner-City Studies and the surrounding area.

Goal: $100,000
Raised: $49,336
Metis Students Project

Help Support Métis Students at The University of Winnipeg Matching Gift Offer

Help support Métis students at The University of Winnipeg and The Manitoba Metis Federation will MATCH your donation 2 to 1.

Goal: $30,000
Raised: $20,094
marbled Greek statue

Help Fund Lecture Series for Staff, Faculty, Students, and Community Members New Directions in Classics Speaker Series

Help support this free, publicly-accessible, engaging lecture series that has already entertained and educated hundreds of staff, faculty, students, and community members.

Goal: $15,000
Raised: 17,831
Lindor Reynolds Youth In Care Tuition Waiver Bursary

Help Make Education Accessible To All Lindor Reynolds Youth-in-Care Tuition Waiver Bursary

Your support opens doors for youth who have grown up in care, so they have the opportunity to pursue a post-secondary education regardless of socioeconomic background.

Goal: $120,000
Raised: $107,344
Jake Obit Picture0

Support Writers in Residence Jake MacDonald Writers Fund

Your gift will support hosting an annual writer in residence through the Jake MacDonald Writer-in-Residence Program at UWinnipeg, benefiting writers from across Canada, students at The University of Winnipeg and the surrounding community.

Goal: $200,000
Raised: $135,590
Wesley hall on a white background

Help Sustain a Strong and Active Association Collegiate Alumni Association Endowment Fund

Your support will help create a proud and involved community of alumni and students who are engaged in the life, success and advancement of The Collegiate for many generations to come.

Goal: $300,000
Raised: $190,000
August 2009

Help Students Enhance Their English Proficiency English Language Program

This program helps future students to complete their studies without worrying about their financial situation impacting their education.

Goal: $25,000
Raised: $10,000