General Bursary Fund

Students graduating

General bursaries are available to students based on need regardless of where they are in their studies and are part of The University of Winnipeg’s commitment to providing an accessible post-secondary education. Applications are accepted each term and students can apply more than once. 

Your ongoing or one-time gift to the General Bursary Fund will help lessen the financial burdens of our students, while allowing them to focus on their studies and their wellbeing, which plays a critical role in student success. 

Donations can be made online, by payroll deduction, returning a pledge form, emailing Annual Giving Officer Elena Anciro at, or by calling (204) 786-9995.

Your gift will help General Bursary recipients like Isra A. achieve their education dreams:

Isra A.The General Bursary gave me the freedom to fully engage in my program and work toward becoming a teacher without the constant stress of financial worries. It made my university experience so much smoother and more rewarding. To the UW faculty, staff, and retirees considering donating to the General Bursary Fund, I would say that your support can truly change a student’s life.”

Thank you for supporting the General Bursary Fund and the 2024 Campus Campaign!